These days, many antivirus users are getting lots of computer problems like the following issues:
1. Cannot open hard disk drives by double click.
2. Double clicking on any drive opens search.
3. Error message being displayed while trying to open drives.
4. Double clicking on any drive opens “Open With” dialog window.
5. Drive opens in new window on double click.
These issues mentioned above normally occur due to virus infections in computer. These are most commonly spread by pen drives or portable USB devices.
When a user double clicks on the portable drive which is already infected by a virus, the virus spread itself on your system and also create a ‘autorun.inf’ in all your drives.
So, the whole problem persist due to ‘autorun.inf’ files created by virus in the root directory of drives.
That's when Autorun Eater will become in a special utility, because the application will scan your drives, and tell you when it finds a suspicious entry. I mean, Autorun Eater is small but powerful program designed specially to analyze autostart files that can be found on CDs/DVDs, pendrives, etc., and eliminate them if they are found suspicious.
It is a tool to scan and remove suspicious ‘autorun.inf’ files found in the root directory of all drives, A-Z, in real-time. Autorun Eater will remove any suspicious ‘autorun.inf’ files even before the user attempts to open the drive.
Note: It will remove all the suspicious ‘autorun.inf‘ files from the virus infected pen drives but will not remove any other virus files so you would have to remove them manually or with some anti-virus tools.
It also fixes the three common problems caused by the viruses:
1. Task Manager disabled.
2. Registry editing disabled.
3. Hidden Folder Options.
If you have removed all the suspicious ‘autorun.inf’ files from all your drives, you will be able to open all your drives easily including your pen drive with double click.